CEDA Presents
Imago Dei
God has given us a beautiful reflection of His glory through the diversity He has created in each of us. What the world often uses to divide us, God designed to unite us. Through our differences in race, age, ability, culture, gender and economic status, God simultaneously illustrates His love for diversity and His desire to bring us together as one body, set apart for His glory. Through our time together, we hope to better understand God’s intention for creating us each in the imago Dei and learn how to better prepare our students to fight for God’s design for diversity in a world determined to hijack it.

Baylor University BRIC
We’re excited to announce that Baylor University is hosting the CEDA Symposium 2022 this year. We will be meeting at the BRIC (Baylor Research and Innovation Center).
100 Research Pkwy
Waco, TX 76704.
What is the Christian Educators Diversity Symposium?
The CEDA Symposium is a forum of learning and discussion for educators who strive to push Christian education to reflect the diversity of the Body of Christ.
Plenary Speakers

Bryan Loritts (D.Min., Liberty University) is the Teaching Pastor at The Summit Church. An award-winning author of seven books, Dr. Loritts has spent the bulk of his ministry serving and resourcing the multiethnic church. He co-founded Fellowship Memphis in 2003 and serves as the President of The Kainos Movement, an organization committed to seeing the multiethnic church become the new normal.
His ministry takes him across the globe annually, as he speaks at conferences, churches, and retreats. Bryan has been a featured speaker for Catalyst and the Global Leadership Summit.
Currently, he serves on the boards of Biola University, Pine Cove Christian Camps, and The First Tee.
He is the husband of Korie, and the father of Quentin, Myles, and Jade.

Trillia Newbell is the author of the kids’ books Creative God, Colorful Us and God’s Very Good Idea, a Bible study on Hebrews 11, A Great Cloud of Witnesses, and a Bible study on Romans 8, If God Is For Us, as well as the books Sacred Endurance: Finding Grace and Strength for a Lasting Faith, Enjoy: Finding the Freedom to Delight Daily in God’s Good Gifts (2016), Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves (2015) and United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity (2014). Her writings on issues of faith, family, and diversity have been published in the Knoxville News-Sentinel, Desiring God, True Woman, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, and more. She was also a commentator for World Radio (a sister platform for World Magazine). She has spoken at numerous conferences, churches, women’s retreats, colleges and seminaries, including True Woman, The Gospel Coalition Women’s conference, Southeastern Theological Seminary, and more. She spent seven years serving as the Director of Community Outreach for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the Southern Baptist Convention. She is currently an acquisitions editor for Moody Publishers.
Her greatest love besides God is her family. She is married to her best friend and love, Thern. They reside with their two children near Nashville, TN.

Jay Ferguson is the Head of School of Grace Community School in Tyler. Grace Community School is the largest private school in East Texas, serving nearly 1000 students in grades kindergarten through 12 th. He has served in that position since June 2003. Grace’s mission is to assist Christian parents in educating, equipping, and encouraging their children to influence the world for Christ.
Jay has written extensively on Christian education and related issues. He has contributed to Building a Better School, published by Paideia Press, Mindshift: Catalyzing Change in Christian Education, published by Purposeful Design, and Religious Liberty and Education, published by Rowman and Littlefield. He is currently co-editing Building a Better School II, focusing on board governance. He is a regular contributor to Christian School Education and the ACSI and CESA blogs. He also writes a weekly blog on spiritual, education, cultural, and parenting issues. He is an adjunct professor in school law and governance at Covenant College in Georgia, at Gordon College in
Massachusetts, and at Baylor University. He is a frequent speaker at national seminars and served on the adjunct faculties of the Van Lunen Center at Calvin College and at Peabody College at Vanderbilt University.
He was the Past Chair of the Council on Educational Standards and Accountability, and is the current Chair of the Association of Christian Schools International. He has a heart for training heads of schools, leadership teams, and school boards.
Jay holds a Bachelors’ Degree from Baylor University, a Juris Doctor from Texas Tech University School of Law, and a Masters’ Degree in Educational Leadership from Covenant College. He earned his Ph.D. in Leadership Studies at Dallas Baptist University.
He and his wife, Ashley, are members of Grace Community Church and have served over 20 years in small group and children’s ministries. He currently serves as an elder of Grace Community. He and Ashley have three teenage daughters, Emma, Annie, and Ellen. He has taught them to love Jesus and football, in that order, which he considers gifts to his future sons-in-law, Lord willing.
Workshop Speakers

Dr. Pinkett Smith has been an educator for over 18 years and has served as a middle school English teacher, Dean of Students, and is now an administrator. Her passion for cultivating the whole child, and seeing students grow into strong leaders and advocates for unity, speaks to the work she currently does in diversity, equity, and belonging. Jennifer serves as the Director of Diversity at Wesleyan School, where she leads teachers in professional development, supports students, and families with the intent of creating and sustaining a community where all feel welcomed and valued. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Morris Brown College; a Masters in Healthcare Administration from Central Michigan University; a Specialist in Ed. Leadership and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Georgia State University.
Jennifer desires to create spaces where conversations around our unique differences help us all embrace the beauty of God’s creation and learn how to treat and love one another well. Philippians 1:27 says: “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.”

Dr. George Yancey is a Professor of Institute for Studies of Religion and Sociology at Baylor University. He has published several research articles on the topics of institutional racial diversity, racial identity, atheists, cultural progressives, academic bias and anti-Christian hostility.

Mariah Humphries (M.T.S.) is a Mvskoke Nation citizen, writer, and educator for Be the Bridge and works at Baylor University. Through her experience navigating the tension between Native and White American culture, she brings Native awareness to non-Native spaces. With over 20 years of vocational ministry service, she is focused on theology, racial literacy, and reconciliation within the American Church.

Hope Harris has over 25 years of experience as a community educator working with at-risk youth and marginalized populations. In her current role, she commits her time and energy to empower others to establish healthy relationships through dignity, respect, accountability, and boundaries.
Twelve years ago, Hope surrendered her life to Jesus Christ. As a result, she went on a journey to resolve her faith and sexuality. Since that time, she has embraced the biblical worldview of gender, sexuality, and marriage. She now speaks at churches, conferences, and Christian schools sharing her story and addressing issues surrounding faith, gender, sexuality, and marriage. She also spends time walking beside families and individuals who are impacted by sexual and relational brokenness.

Ronnie Brock is the World Vision Senior Schools Advisor for the central region of the United States. He is passionate about empowering students with a greater understanding of a Biblical worldview when it comes to addressing the needs in developing communities. Before coming to World Vision Ronnie and his family lived and served on an orphanage in Ecuador for a number of years. He has seen the transformation that can happen for children, families, and communities as they get a foothold of opportunity as broken relationships are restored in their spiritual lives and societal context.
Ronnie lives on a ranch in Oklahoma with his wife Joan. When he is not reading or writing you will find him working cattle or flying planes. Ronnie is also the Lead Pastor at Impact580 Church where he leads a staff intent on helping those around them become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Reward Sibanda is the World Vision Senior Advisor for Church and Community Relations and works directly with churches, schools, and community leaders around the United States. Prior to joining the team at World Vision, Reward served in Pastoral roles at both Pearl Street Church in San Antonio and Crossroads Church in Dallas TX.
Born to a family of 12 in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, a country with the highest inflation rate in the world, Reward witnessed firsthand the devastating effects abject poverty can have on people and developing communities in countries all over the world. Having witnessed the communally transformative work of World Vision from an early age, Reward loves and lives to tell engaging stories about the redemptive power of love, kindness, and how God’s Kingdom has the power to free people from the grips of poverty and redeem the God-image inherent in them.
When he is not traveling the US and the World capturing and retelling incredible stories of human flourishing and transformation through World Vision’s work, Reward can be found huddled over a good book in Dallas Texas, where he currently resides with his wife Pam. Reward also serves as the Associate Pastor at The Upperroom Church in Dallas and loves to teach, train and empower the body of Christ and the next generation to live lives of purpose and contribution.
All times are Central Standard Time
Monday, June 6th, 2022
- Introductions
- Family Groups
Hosted by Joshua Expeditions
Plenary 1: The Importance of Imago Dei as a Foundation Framework
While God uses diversity to show us His glory and unite us as one Body, the world has a way of seizing it as a tool to divide and incite conflict. As schools engage in diversity work, it is important to maintain a Biblical foundation at the focus of all efforts to ensure we are moving towards unity in Christ rather than following the secular world’s patterns of division. From activism to reconciliation, representation to inclusion, Dr. Loritts will teach us how to maintain this foundation through all diversity efforts. He will also offer a unique perspective to our discussion, as he himself was a parent of students in Christian schools.
Dr. Bryan Loritts
Family Group debrief meeting and dinner together
- Adaptive Challenge Framework Process
- Family Group decides the location
- The planning committee provides lists of local restaurants and activities
Tuesday, June 7th, 2022
Matt Thomas
Plenary 2: The Importance of Imago Dei in our Cultural Climate
A prolific author and speaker, Trillia helps communities better understand how to navigate the current cultural climate surrounding identity. As we train students to ground their identity in Christ, it is also important to understand how other pieces of identity play a role in shaping our efforts. During this session, we will dive deeper into an understanding of Biblical identity and identities shaped by society and culture.
Trillia Newbell
Family Group Time
Family Group Time
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
Joel Hazard
Plenary 3: The Implications of Imago Dei in our Christian Schools
As a school leader who has implemented a strong diversity program, Dr. Ferguson will share the impact on his community as well as other Christian school communities.
Jay Ferguson
Working Lunch
Student Symposium debrief to adults
Workshop 1
Assessing Your School Climate
A vital part of a successful school environment is the climate and culture. Climate and culture are often intertwined, but they have very different meanings. Understanding the climate of your school will begin to positively change the culture of your community, make a lasting impact on student learning, and build relationships between colleagues, students/teachers, and families.
How do you begin the work? Where do you start? These may be some of the questions that you ponder when you are working to create a community of unity and belonging.
In this workshop, we will look at the difference between climate and culture and how one impacts the other, look at various ways to evaluate your school’s climate, and discuss resources that can help to improve your school climate.
Dr. Jennifer Pinkett Smith
Workshop 2
Moving Towards Mutual Responsibility
So much occurring today is made worse because we can not talk to each other. The result is often inflamed school board meetings, student protests, and parents threatening to remove their children from the schools. In a Christian organization, we have to do better. However, we live In a society where we are talking past each other. To counter such powerful forces, we should ask questions about furthering our racial dialog in a healthy, productive manner.
In this presentation, we will explore why a focus on creating an atmosphere for collaborative conversations is vital for dealing with diversity in our educational settings. We will look at the Christian justification for such a focus as well as academic research supporting the value of such communications. We will also discuss practical suggestions for engaging in collaborative communication with those in other social groups and briefly discuss a collaborative conversations lifestyle. In the end, educators will be encouraged to consider how to incorporate this approach into their educational program and how to teach better communication skills to their students.
Dr. George Yancey
Workshop 3
The Impact of Untold Stories in Our History
As educators, so much of what we teach comes through the lens of what we were taught and what we have learned. But what about the stories we haven’t heard? As a Native citizen, Mariah will help us think through the impact of the stories we tell and the stories we don’t tell as we develop Christian students to better understand our history as a nation and people, and the impact of that history on our collective tomorrow.
Mariah Humphries
Workshop 4
Did God really say that?
Join Hope Harris former gay rights activist, as we explore the key questions students are asking about sexuality, gender, and faith. Discover key influences that make these subjects create conflict with our young people. Receive tools to address the issues of sexuality with empathy, grace, and truth from a Biblical worldview.
Hope Harris
Workshop 5
Recognizing the Imago Dei in Service
Throughout the Bible, we see God seeking justice and mercy for the marginalized, especially the poor, and instructing Believers to do the same. As Christian schools strive to follow His commands to take the gospel into all the world, relieve the oppressed, and comfort the hurting, it is important we consider the full impact of our intentions and actions. During this workshop, Reward Sibanda will share valuable insight gained through years of watching Christian teams from the United States visit his community in Zimbabwe. He will help us develop a well-rounded understanding of short-term mission work and its positive and negative effects. Joining him, Robbie Brock will teach us how to lean into the positive aspects of service and minimize the negative. He will show us how we can help students find growth through the incredible opportunities they are given by helping them best serve the people they interact with.
Ronnie Brock and Reward Sibanda
Frequently Asked Questions
What are family groups?
Participants will be placed in family groups based on registration demographics. They will remain in these family groups for the duration of the symposium with the goal of building community to learn together from each other. Upon arrival, at the symposium participants will receive their family group information and schedule. Their family group will determine the schedule and rotation of the workshops.
Will participants be able to choose their own schedule?
Participants will be paired in family groups and will follow the schedule of their family group, rotating through the workshops and plenaries together.
What is the deadline for registration?
In-person registration is limited to 80 participants due to Covid restrictions. Once we reach 100 participants, in-person registration will close. Hybrid registration will remain open through May 28th.
Will the sessions be recorded?
Sessions will not be recorded. Since one of the overarching goals of this symposium is to create a place for learning and vulnerability along with relationship building, we will require attendance during the planned schedule for participation.
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
We couldn’t do this without the generous support of our wonderful sponsors and partners.

Duncanson graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in Communication Studies and Spanish and is married to her husband, Pastor Philip Duncanson of 20 years and is the mom and track coach to her three teenagers.

Jennifer desires to create spaces where conversations around our unique differences help us all embrace the beauty of God’s creation and learn how to treat and love one another well. Philippians 1:27 says: “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.”